Benefits of Alkaline water

Benefits of Alkaline water

*Alkaline water*

When discussing the alkaline water, it’s important to understand pH.

PH is a measurement of how acidic or alkaline something is.

The pH value ranges from 0–14:

Acidic: 0.0–6.9

Neutral: 7.0

Alkaline (or basic): 7.1–14.0

Water that’s naturally alkaline occurs when water passes over rocks — like springs — and picks up minerals, which increase its alkaline level.

Alkaline water has a higher pH level than regular drinking water. Because of this, some people believe it can neutralize the acid in your body.

Alkaline water can be bought in many grocery store or online.

Water ionizers are sold in many large chain stores as well.

Adding some lemon juice, pH drops or baking soda is another way to make water more alkaline at home.

Although some other research needs to be done, still some health practitioners believe in its benifits.

Here they are:

*anti-aging properties*

*colon-cleansing properties*

*immune system support*


*skin health*

*cancer resistance*


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